These are the definitions used in the development of all card games in KardsGT. It is also useful for those players not familiar with the mechanics of a card game.
Card Game Terminology
Click on the term you wish to see the definition of.
Alone: is a statement made by a player in a partnership game that indicates that he will play this round without his partner.
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Auction: is the point in a round where all players are able to make bids.
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Bid: is a statement made by a player to indicate either how many tricks he or his partnership will take or how much points he will risk for the round.
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Card: is an object that indicates the rank and suit on one side and obscures the rank and suit on the other side.
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Card Value: is the weight of a card in terms of importance within a suit or within the deck. The value of a card varies between games. This valuing is determined by the rank of the card, suit of the card, or both the rank and suit of the card.
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Cut: is the act of a non-dealer player splitting the deck into two and then combining the two halves together so as the original top card is no longer the top card.
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Deal: is the process of giving a specific number of cards in the deck to each of the players. This is typically done at the start of a round. The quantity of cards varies for each game.
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Dealer: is the player who deals for that round. The player declared dealer at the beginning of a game and the player who becomes the next dealer at the end of a round is determined by each game.
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Deck: is a collection of cards placed one on top of the other. The cards are oriented face down. The available cards in a deck are determined by each game.
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Discard: is when a player, during his turn, places a card into a discard pile.
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Discard Pile: is a series of cards that are placed face up by all players when they discard. In some games players may play off the discard pile.
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Doubleton: is when a player only has two cards of the same suit in his hand.
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Draw: is when a player retrieves a card from the stock.
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Dummy: is a player who does not play the hand that is dealt to him. In some games the hand is not used at all, or his partner is allowed to play on his behalf.
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Face Card: is a card whose rank is either a Jack, Queen, or King.
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Face Down: is the orientation of a card that obscures the rank and suit of a card.
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Face Up: is the orientation of a card that displays the rank and suit of a card.
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Flush: is a series of cards whose suits are all the same. The number of cards needed to meet a flush is determined by each game.
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Follow Rank: is when a player plays a card that is the same rank as the rank that the previous player played.
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Follow Suit: is when a player plays a card that is the same suit as the suit that the previous player played.
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Go Out: is when a player has exhausted all the cards in his hand or has met a specific condition in the game that signifies that he has ended the round.
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Hand: is the collection of cards that a player posses from which he can select to play from and only he knows the identity of the cards in the collection.
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High Card: is the card whose card value is greater than all the other cards in a specific series.
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Joker: is a card whose card value and usage is determined by the game in which it is used. It does not belong to any specific suit. In a standard US or UK pack there are two jokers in it.
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Lay Off: is when a player plays a card that continues a meld.
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Lead: is when a player plays a card to start a phase.
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Maker: is the player who declares the trump suit for the round.
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Meld: is a series of cards in a specific combination usually formed out of a hand. Melds can be based on groupings or sequences. The specific types of melding is determinded by each game.
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Partnership: is a game where players are divide into teams. Generally, it is the team effort that determines who wins the game.
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Pass: is an option a player may user, if a game allows it, to not play a card or make a bid.
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Phase: is a series of cards played by players during a round. The conclusion of a phase may determine the end of a round, but not the end of a game.
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Player: an individual who is involved with the card game.
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Point: is a numerical value that is earned for a specific card, sequence of cards, or collection of tricks given to a player. In games where points are used, the points are used to determine who the winner will be.
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Rank: is a number or name that has a specific ordering in a suit. The ordering of a rank is typically game specific. In a standard US or UK pack the available ranks are Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King.
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Round: is a series of phases that ends at a specific condition distinct from that of a phase. It is only during a round that the end of the game can be determined.
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Run: is a series of cards whose ranks are in sequential order according to their rank ordering. The number of cards needed to meet a run are determined by each game.
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Shuffle: is the act of mixing the cards in a deck into a randomised order.
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Singleton: is when a player only has one card of a specific suit in his hand.
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Stock: is the remaining cards of the deck after the deal placed face down from which a player may draw.
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Suit: a series that groups ranks together. Each of the ranks are repeated in each suit. In a standard US or UK pack the list of suits are Spades, Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds.
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Top Card: is the card located directly on top of the deck or discard pile.
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Trick: is a card played from a players hand during a phase.
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Trump: is a specific rank, suit, or individual card that is higher in value than all other non-trump cards.
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Turn: is the only time a player has where he may draw or play a card.
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Turn Up: is the card from the deck that is placed face up that sets or suggests the trump for the round.
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Up Card: is the top card from the deck after the deal that is placed face up to start the round.
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Wild Card: is a specific card that a player, while playing it, can declare as representing any card available in the deck.
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Wrap Around: is where the lowest ranking card and the two highest ranking cards form a run or where the two lowest ranking cards and the highest ranking card form a run.
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